Monday, August 29, 2011

Farewell For Now

Dick:  It is somewhat disturbing to me that our connection seemed so weak last time.  I also have this impression (intuitive feeling) that you have said just about all there is to say.  You no doubt have sensed that.  What should I do with your blog?  Have you said what you need to say to whom you intend to say it?

Hallelusah:  I have, and you may close out the blog.  It has been a pleasure speaking with you and your friends.  I respectfully want you to know that I’m not going anywhere.  You may call upon me whenever you wish.  As you have deduced, I will speak telepathically to those who need to hear my words.  Do not feel that you are abandoning me, for I have placed these thoughts in your head.

Dick:  Thank you, Hallelusah; and thank you to all of his readers.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Dick:  Good morning, Hallelusah.  We’ve talked about so many different things over the past few months, I wonder each time that I talk to you if you are going to come up with something totally new.

Hallelusah:  Sometimes repetition is worth it, but not today.  If you will look out your window you will see normal happenings.  These are just what happen in your world as you go from day to day.  Once in awhile you’ll get a big surprise.  Wouldn’t it be great to get more big surprises, but that just isn’t the way life is.  You feel mundane.  You feel purposeless sometimes.  What a shame that you can’t see what is going on and feel happy knowing that it is all for good.

Dick:  This sounds so similar to past messages that encourage us to be positive in our outlook.

Hallelusah:  And I will keep on saying it over and over again.  This is so important that anyone who will listen to it needs to be aware of its importance. 

Dick:  You said that you were not going to be repetitious today.

Hallelusah:  Each day is different.  You learn more and more each day.  What can I say that will brighten your outlook?  What can I, a mere alien (invisible by the way), do to influence your behavior?

Dick:  This is just one of those days when I feel that my connection is poor, so I’m just going to let it go at that.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Your Alien Experiences

Hallelusah:  Here we are at another day when you wonder what I’ll say.  Yes, I saw you watching “Through the Wormhole”, but I’m not going to talk about what aliens look like.  It’s a moot point to those of you reading this.  So I intend to ask you about your experiences with other aliens.  I know of many such encounters.  Please tell me about your experiences.  I’d like to hear what you think of us. 

Dick:  I’m surprised that you would ask.  I thought you could read minds, so you wouldn’t have to ask.  So are you asking on your own behalf, or are you asking us to share.

Hallelusah:  You are right.  I am asking those of you who feel willing to share your ET experiences.  Everyone else could benefit from them.

Dick:  Hey folks, this really isn’t my idea.  I wouldn’t ask.  This is Hallelusah’s Blog, not mine.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Skeptics Like Me

Hallelusah:  Today it has been brought to my attention that some people actually believe that this is not a great time in the world.

Dick:  Gee.  Say it isn’t so.

Hallelusah:  Enough joking for the two of us.  Without a doubt this will happen, and though many might not recognize it, it will nonetheless occur.

Dick:  You and others have said this in one way or another many times.  So what’s new?

Hallelusah:  What’s new is that you cannot believe it when you see all this mush around you.  You want to believe, but you don’t really.

Dick:  Speaking for myself, I’m skeptical.

Hallelusah:  And that’s just what I’m talking about.  You look around and see all sorts of unpleasant happenings, and this leads you to lack faith.

Dick:  I can’t speak for others, but that speaks to me.  It’s true.

Hallelusah:  It is important for you to “listen” to other voices besides mine.  You must learn to go to other sources of information in order that you may become grounded in the belief that you can do this.  Belief is very important in making things happen.  We can lead you to these sources, but you must put them into action.  You put them into action based on what feels like intuition that actually may be our minds melding in thought.

Dick:  Okay, all of you skeptics like me out there take note of your skepticism and follow your intuition.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why Can't I Do That?

Hallelusah:  I wish to speak to you today about your ability, and the ability of all humans, to change your environment and to do just about anything you can think of.

Dick:  That’s an interesting topic, I think, because I can attest to the fact that there is much I hear about others doing that I simply don’t believe I can do – teleportation, for example.

Hallelusah:  There certainly is a trick to it, but for starters you should not feel cheated because you can’t do something.  There is this tremendous temptation to feel that you have been gipped because you can’t do something, and there is definitely a temptation to think that you “should” be able to do something that you’ve heard of others doing.  Please remember that you are here to have YOUR experiences and not someone else’s.  You are here to learn according to a plan that you set forth before your birth.  You – all of you – are tremendous, wonderful, and all sorts of other great adjectives, beings.  Your existence in the earth realm speaks highly of you.  Many of you have heard this, but I wish to pass along my congratulations for volunteering for such a difficult task.  It’s not for everyone.  We all learn from your experience.  I learn from your experience, because I am part of the Oneness of everything.

Dick:  Sometimes I can’t tell how to categorize you in terms of spiritual evolution, because I think of such a statement coming from a spirit guide.

Hallelusah:  Don’t count yourself short.  You, too, are a wise being.  You’ve just temporarily forgotten it.  Which takes me back to my original statement.  You are wonderful beings without knowing it.  Don’t feel that you must do something in your human body just because you think it is appropriate for an enlightened human.  Such finishes my point for the day.


Hallelusah:  Don’t worry about not posting this.  The readers will be ready when I’m ready.

Dick:  Okay, shoot.

Hallelusah:  Funny that you should mention that word.  I guess in the world there seems to be some significance to aiming at a target.  Well I suppose in our realm the same holds true, but the association is not the same.  One of my favorite themes to talk about is the coming shift of mankind.  So many of you wonder about how it will occur.  Think of it as aiming.  You don’t know exactly where your aim will end, but you know that if you are careful you will hit your target.  The same is true in this instance.  We are taking aim at a target of ascension.  This is something you concentrate on in your mind.  As you develop your skills, you become more proficient at hitting your target.  We have been aiming at this target for a long time, and we have had many worlds to practice on.  Therefore we are very likely to hit our target this time.

Dick:  All of this is very vague.

Hallelusah:  I know it is, and I’m trying to explain why.

Dick:  I’ve been thinking about this, and now seems like a good time to try.  I’d like to speak to Joshimma.  Hi, Joshimma.

Joshimma:  I probably feel a bit of anxiety, but go ahead.

Dick:  What is your opinion or view of this shift business?

Joshimma:  I think it’s wonderful.  Many of the things you read are a better description than anything that I could say.  The things that you each read are the result of thoughts shared by others in our realm to assist you in going about your individual tasks.  Many of you have already learned that simply asking us is not the only way that you come across knowledge of what is happening.  The Oneness of everything has a wonderful way of working together.  You perform a function.  One of your functions is to let curiosity lead you to read and experience unique things, so that everything can come together.

Dick:  Thank you.  I hope that helps others as much as it helped me.  As you realize there is a certain amount of curious angst among us.

Hallelusah:  Just hang loose.  Your hopes and dreams will become reality.

(Later in the day)

Dick:  Hallelusah, if time is not linear in true reality, then everything that will happen has already happened.  Why don’t you know exactly what will transpire?

Hallelusah:  This will be a difficult one to explain to you.  First of all you have free will.  The world in which you incarnated has certain laws of existence.  One of those is linear time in order to afford you the opportunity to choose.  The path you choose is not determined until you do it.  There are an infinite number of paths to choose, so which one mankind will choose is not known at any point in infinity.  I told you that this would be difficult, and for you to translate it in your pea-brained (I borrowed that phrase.) mind is almost as difficult as choosing a path of existence.

Dick:  You’re right.  I’m so totally confused, I can’t even think of how to follow up.
            If anyone out there in the blogosphere thinks they can express this in cogent form, please take a crack at it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Light-hearted Q&A

Note: For today’s session, I’ve asked my friend Stephanie to ask Hallelusah a question or two.
Stephanie: What are you doing here?

Hallelusah:  I am here to help the earth transition to a new vibration level.  I do that by adding my thoughts, which have energy associated with them. 

Stephanie:  Do you have family?

Hallelusah:  Yes, I do.  I have children and what you would consider to be a mate.  We don’t have sex, but we do reproduce.  There are male/female, positive/negative, husband and wife.

Dick:  Do you have mates in the same sense as we have husbands and wives who have made a commitment to each other or are you freer, like our porpoises?

Hallelusah:  We have both.  We sometimes decide to have a long-term relationship.  In my case I did not.  We had great fun.

Dick:  I thought you said you don’t have sex. 

Hallelusah: We don’t in that sense, but what we do is pleasurable.

(Dick:  I can tell that Stephanie isn’t really taking this conversation seriously, so I will stop at this point.  Maybe it will spawn some thoughts from some of you readers.)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Through A Child's Eyes

Hallelusah:  It requires innocence to look at the world and see its true beauty.  You need to be more childlike to appreciate what you’re looking at.  Now and then when you have a moment, just stop what you’re doing and decide that you’re going to pretend that you are a child.  Look at the world around you.  Plan your next move as if you had no trappings of an adult.  Then you will be able to know what I’m talking about.  This ability spans the eons of time as you know it.  It requires little, but it gives so much to those around you.  Your light shining in the otherwise darkness brings happiness and innocence to the most skeptical of humans.  This ability will also prepare you for a new life in the future of your spirit.  You will have learned a valuable lesson.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Joshimma and Tokimma

Hallelusah:  I once felt that all of you were off your rockers.  I was wrong.  Mankind really can right itself.  The ability to chose your actions freely has netted unexpected results.  You have brought about tremendous vibrations throughout the universe.  I wish that you could sense the totality of it all.  This is really something.  Of course it helped to have so many spirits volunteering from all over God’s creation.  (You are God, by the way.)  So just to let you know, I have a couple of my alien friends with me here this morning.  I’d like for you to meet two other of my SaLuSan friends, Joshimma and Tokimma.  They wish to say something to you.  They don’t do this often with humans, so they are as excited as you.  First Joshimma.

Dick:  Welcome, Joshimma.  It is good to speak to you and quite a surprise I must say.

Joshimma:  You have no idea how excited I am to talk to you.  I am somewhat speechless.  When Hallelusah (We don’t call him that.  You couldn’t pronounce it if you tried.)  I wish just to add my thanks to you and others for spreading light around the earth.  I can see it, and it is such a pleasure to us who are looking at it from the outside.  I too know you in your real self as just another ordinary (if there is such a thing) SaLuSan.  Hello down there!

Dick: Tokimma, hello to you too.

Tokima:  It’s enough for me to just listen.  I don’t really have anything to say.

Dick:  Hallelusah, thank you for the suggestion and that experience.  I guess we really are on our way.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Keep The Faith

Hallelusah:  What if I told you that tomorrow would never come?  What if I told you that the earth would go up in flames and destroyed forever?  What if that were really possible?  You would be fearful, right?  As you have read, the earth may seem to come crashing down around you, but I’m asking you to keep the faith and stand fast whenever you hear of tragedies in the world.  Yes, like the riots in London.  Things might get worse, and I want you to be mentally prepared, as I ask of all my readers.  This may appear to be a time of great trial and tribulation, but I assure you that there is a silver lining in your future.  You will be helping to bring about one of the most wonderful changes in the universe.  Feel in awe of its uniqueness.  Just think, you are a part of it.  You are here as witnesses.  Go follow each day in happiness, regardless of what you hear in the news.  I and many others are here with you.  Thank you, my friends.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Traveling Amongst the Stars

Hallelusah:  Traveling amongst the stars is great fun.  I enjoy it.  There is so much to see that is beyond human vision.  You all at once notice how everything blends together, even across what you think of as great distances.  You wonder about it all, but at the same time you have a greater appreciation for how it all came about.  This wonderful universe is yours to discover.  This wonderful universe is you.  You became part of it when God created thought.  How discoverers find such things is also a wonderful thing.  So, what I’m saying is how wonderful everything is.  What you see that is dark and negative cannot compare to the beauty that lies beyond it.  Please feel the warmth of wonderfulness infusing your bodies.  Sense with your hearts the world and universe around you.  This is yours.  This is you.  All is in perfect order.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ice Cream

Hallelusah:  Whatever you thought I might say, that’s not it.  Instead I want to talk about ice cream.  It has many flavors.  Right?  Well so does citizenship of the cosmic kind.  You sometimes find different flavors right under your nose, but you don’t recognize them.  You think of everything as vanilla.

Dick:  Your analogies are getting a bit far-fetched.  I hope you can bring this around.

Hallelusah:  I do too.  That is my intention.  So for now you can see only as a human, but you are able to see so much more.  You can taste of whatever you want when you want, and you know how to see things differently.  Well for now you just need to tolerate your limitations.  They are for your own good and the good of all.  So when The Shift happens in full force, you will be able to see more than you can now.  Your collective abilities will be enhanced. 

Dick:  So we already knew The Shift was going to give us more ability.  What are you trying to say that is new and worth saying.

Hallelusah:  I’m saying that you only see a portion of what your new abilities will be.  You can expect to be surprised to some extent.

Dick:  Okay.  I feel a little underwhelmed by this.

Hallelusah:  Then this message was not for you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Shift is an Eruption?

Hallelusah:  The world is becoming whole.  I spoke of this last time.  You realize that your purpose is to promote that as a new paradigm (I like that word.).  (Dick:  I don’t.) What you see before you is a host of new possibilities.  We here in space congratulate you, our space brothers and sisters, as you progress into this new realm.  We hold your virtual hands as we join together in blessing the earth and bringing it into the fold of a new era.  How great that we are all a part and that we know that we are working together.  I love it.  This “turns me on.”  (I love that too.)  So with that I will just leave you with happy thoughts today of your eruption.  (Yes, I know you’re scratching your head at that word.)

(Dick:  A brief note.  I wish that others of you could experience this telepathy business.  It’s really odd.  It has only been with time that I have learned to just trust that these thoughts are as they seem.  My mind is working while I am “hearing”, and sometimes I can’t tell the difference between my reactions and channeled words.  Sometimes there seems to be a sidebar discussion going on about a particular statement.)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Shift

Hallelusah:  I wish to speak today about the coming of The Shift which is actually occurring right now.

Dick:  What’s the difference?

Hallelusah:  I’m getting to that.  Now, as I was saying, The Shift is a big deal.  You know that, right?  So why have we begun speaking to you?  It should be obvious: because we are helping, and you are helping, to bring about this shift in consciousness.  You have been placed here. You have volunteered to be here to help.  Your vibration is higher than the average, and the resonance of your vibrations, which are tremendous in their collective nature, helps to raise the vibration of the whole.  I trust that you all understand this already. 
        Now for new information, which I hope you will pay attention to.  This shift was designed as a means to bring mankind new learning experiences.  You have for a long time, in your terms, brought unhappiness to yourselves.  That is not a negative element when considering the whole of creation.  It is merely a different type of experience.  Now you are entering a new phase where you will stretch beyond that world and enter the universe.  You begin an age when knowledge will increase about the universe around you, and you will learn your role in the total universe.  Many of you are still reeling at the thought of a global economic system and I know that conservatives around you are worried about creeping socialism.  This need not bother you, because you are focused on bringing the world together in awareness; and the political goings on will simply follow the main energy that you are creating.  Know this: you are an important element.  Whenever you feel small, know that you are indeed large.  I can see all of you reading my words, and I know what you are and how you radiate.  You are wonderful beings.  Remember that always.  You have what it takes – the right stuff, so to speak.  I leave you with this message, and I hope you will use it to brighten up not only your day but the day of all who come in contact with you.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Here comes the tsunami

Dick:  Good morning, Hallelusah.

Hallelusah: Such a good morning it is for when all things are said and done, you will have accomplished the seemingly impossible.

Dick:  Is that a collective “you” or an individual “you”?

Hallelusah: A collective “you”, for that’s all there is.  Once you realize that, you will have come to an understanding that has been forgotten for too long.  Once you realize that your place in the universe is inextricably linked to everything else, you will believe that you are a wonderful race of beings, more powerful and with more grandeur that you ever imagined.

Dick:  That sounds very nice.  Just what did we do that was so seemingly impossible?

Hallelusah:  You turned life around on earth.  You shifted the balance in favor of what you think of as good.  For once in a lifetime you made the change that will be remembered for eons to come.

Dick:  How can we remember for eons to come what we cannot sense right now?

Hallelusah:  Oh, you will see, my dear friend.  You will see.

Dick:  I hope so.  So many of us have been waiting with great anticipation some shift, or some indication of a shift.  For some time all we have been seeing around us has been the same old b___s___.

Hallelusah:  But you are not in a position to see.  You cannot see the wave coming like a tsunami.  You – all of you – have started a wave of action that is now unstoppable.  (Actually it is, but we won’t bother nit picking.)

Dick:  I’m glad to have eyes and ears like yours, because otherwise we might get a little discouraged.

Hallelusah:  Don’t be discouraged.  Rejoice.  Be glad that you have participated in something long-lastingly wonderful.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hallelusah:  Forever and ever will you wonder how the world was created.  But you know by now that you did it.  This anomaly in mankind’s history and future will be a stumbling block for generations to come.  Nonetheless you will be afforded the opportunity to progress in consciousness even though you remain confused.
            Today you embark on a lifelong journey.  You transport yourselves into a new millennium of great accomplishments.  Today be glad and rejoice, for what you wish for is coming true as I speak.  This is my message for today:  know that you are co-creators of the universe.  You have power in your spirits that exceeds you humanly belief.   This is so.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Strange Things In the Sky

Hallelusah:  What a wonderful time to give you two suggestions for the day.  Be happy is the first one.  The second is to have faith.

Dick:  Pardon me, but those aren’t anything particularly new.  Don’t you have something more interesting and up-to-date?

Hallelusah:  Well now let me look into my bag of ideas for something of interest to a bunch of ET watchers.  How about some revelation about a nighttime occurrence in Sweden?

Dick:  Watch it now.  I’m feeling uneasy about this.

Hallelusah:  Good.  Then you’ll get to try out my request for faith.  Please have faith in me.

Dick:  Okay, I’m in that mindset now.  Please proceed.

Hallelusah:  Once in a great while there occurs something so spectacular that people cannot help but take note of it.  Just as you see me in a formation of clouds, people in Sweden can see evidence of our presence in strange views of the aurora borealis.  They look at it with wonder, but what they don’t recognize is that what they’re seeing is a conscious creation by those that know how to make it.  It’s like blowing smoke rings with light.  So you see there are many things that you can see in the sky that you might not otherwise recognize as conscious creations, but now you know to consider that possibility.  When you stare at the sky, know that we are here and that we are signaling you in a way that we think is non-threatening.  Hence you are happy and you have faith.

Dick:  You succeeded in bringing that around.  Thank you for today’s message.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Plan Your Next Life

(Dick:  First of all, I apologize for Hallelusah readers that I skipped a posting two days ago.  I was moving and did not have easy access to the Internet.  I expect to resume the every-other-day posting routine.)

Hallelusah:  This is a treat.  I get to help you do things you didn’t think you could do.

Dick:  Are you talking just to me, or are your comments directed to others?

Hallelusah:  I didn’t mean to imply that others were excluded, for they are not.  Here is the treat I am talking about, and this you have already begun to do.  Plan your next lifetime.  Here is enjoyment at its best.  You are thinking about what makes you happy, and you are creating a joyous life around that.  This is wonderful positive energy.

Dick:  Yes, I have been doing that, but I also think that it’s within the realm of possibility that I can actually live the life I’ve planned.  By the way, I’m somewhat surprised that you are talking to me about this.  I relate it to a spirit guide sort of task.

Hallelusah:  I’ve learned first-hand, and I remember what I’ve done.  That is a difference between where you are in your dense existence and my higher level of consciousness at this moment. 

Dick:  So is that it? Plan your next life?

Hallelusah:  Well just think about how much fun that is, and isn’t having fun what life is trying to achieve?

Dick:  I suppose so.  I’m just surprised that that is all you have to talk about today.

Hallelusah:  It is.  Just do it, and see what fun you have.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Change of Heart

Hallelusah:  This, having been said before, begins anew a dawn of change.  (Isn’t that poetic?)  So in your hearts you feel something different.  You realize that for once in your life you think that you can change the way you see the world around you.  You see more with your heart and not quite so much with your ego.  There is a reason for this “change of heart”.  It is the energy of your forefathers breaking through.   It is your spirit from within realizing its true purpose.  It is NOW in all that you think and do.  So, my space brothers and sisters, here you find yourself changing while the world around you appears to be staying the same.  I assure you that it is not.  I can see what you cannot.  I am a link between your earthly and eternal selves.  Trust what you hear if you wish and it seems right to you, for now is a time of great joy in heaven and on earth.  (By heaven I mean the eternal state from which you come.)  Perhaps I’m being a bit wordy, but this is to let you know that a change of heart has occurred, and I want you to recognize it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Different Reactions

Hallelusah:  Just imagine that there are many, many people reading all of these prophecies about what is about to happen.  Imagine also that there will be just as many different reactions, from disbelief to “Wow!  I can’t wait.”  So this is what we are contending with as we go to the forefront of a wave of energy approaching your planet.  Some will be affected in different ways, as I have said.  (Please all of you readers.  These statements are my opinions.  They are not “Gospel”, a term you often use.)  So, once again I implore you to just stand by your conviction that all is well.  This indeed is what it is: well.
            I love wanting to share with you this event, which I know you greet with anticipation, no atter whether you believe it fully or not.
            I want to say something else to all of my readers, which are a select few.  Here is the namesake of God your creator.  Here is evidence that he exists.  Just as you exist, he/she exists.  The force that creates creation is all around us.  It permeates everything, including you.  So feel wonderful if you can.  Enjoy as much as you can.  Whisper to each other in your thoughts, “I am with you.  We are one together.  We share this time of life together.  We work together to bring about a new dimension in the life of the world.  It is wonderful, as we are wonderful.  You are my brothers and sisters.  I adore being a part of you.” 
            So it is this day.  Live in happiness.  I implore you to do this for all.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another New Day

Hallelusah:  Everyone is trying to guess when and what will happen.  From my perspective people would be better off just going about their daily routines.  Yes, I know that curiosity is going to creep in, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t realize that to just BE yourself is the best thing that you can DO.  I wonder myself sometimes just what will happen.  I have the benefit of being able to see more than you, but free will and your everlasting events will just have to wait for me to be able to see what happens.  Do you understand yet just how important it is that you stay your course?  This is why you’re here, not to second-guess yourselves.  So I say to you, welcome to another new day full of opportunities for you to simply enjoy yourself and bask in the sun of light that brings good will to all mankind.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Being vs. Doing

Hallelusah:  Today is a day when you will hear clarification of being versus doing.  I observe that there are many of you who seem confused about just what this means.  The vibration that you carry in your body does not change except with extreme effort.  You can change it, but you are born with a certain vibration.  You carry it with you throughout your life.  When you come in contact with other humans with a lower vibration, yours tends to lift theirs.  So if we bring a whole bunch of beings from other realms into human form and those beings have a higher vibration than the rest of humanity, then all of humanity gains.  So, you see, if your vibration level is naturally higher, then you don’t have to do anything to affect the population around you.  Please stop worrying about doing if you find that you are.  You are perfectly capable of being an asset to the shift of humanity just by being here at this time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reinforcing Words

Hallelusah:  Once there was this little pea-brained human.  He thought he was just a pea brain, because being a human makes one forget the real ability one has.  Now just because you’ve heard this before doesn’t mean that you really believe it.  You’re still stuck with the same old body.  I’m here to tell you, along with others, that you have much more to offer than you think.  If faith and hope exist in your mind, then you will find it much easier to live on a planet that is going through tremendous change.  I wonder if you know just how tremendous you can be when you finish this life.  You, and I mean ALL OF YOU out there, are just plain exciting.  You are beautiful beings in your true self.  There is something that you need to think anew about yourselves.  Much of what I say is simply to reinforce things you’ve already heard.  Maybe if you hear the same thing from many different sources, you’ll begin to accept them.

            Have a wonderful day, and don’t forget to let yourselves be happy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Icky Stuff

Hallelusah:  With the advent of new technologies, your human societies have become much more linked.  You are aware of that.  What you don’t recognize is that it also brings together rogue factions that work together to break up your combining forces.  So to counteract those opposing forces, we, the ones from other realms, have come to exert mental forces on your world to advocate peace.  Do not worry when you hear of things going awry in other parts of your world.  It is just the passing of good will through the environment that allows the icky stuff to exude.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Life Is Enamorous

Hallelusah:  Wonderful is hardly adequate to describe how I feel today.  I wonder how on earth one could escape the energy that radiates throughout the planet.  You will find as you travel the universe that there are energies beyond your wildest imagination.  You have found a particular interesting one on earth.  Your tendency to forget everything you’ve learned up to now hampers your enjoyment of what transpires. 
            So that doesn’t help you does it?  You are sitting there blindly accepting all you feel simply because you aren’t aware of the alternatives.  So believe me when I tell you that there are wondrous things afoot.  You have no earthly appreciation for them.  I tell you that you have great fun and enjoyment in store for you when you return to your spiritual self.  I want to be one to reinforce what you have been told.  It just cannot help but interpret for you the thoughts that jumble through your conscious mind.

Dick:  To summarize, you’re saying that there is wonderful energy being transmitted from earth, and we are eternal spirits.

Hallelusah:  That is what I am saying.  It might not seem very much, but you need the reinforcement to help you along as you traverse your earthly existence.  I marvel at your state of being.  I wonder at its enamorous existence.

Dick:  My spell checker doesn’t think “enamorous” is a word.

Hallelusah: It’s what I’m thinking.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Something Happy Will Occur Today

Hallelusah:  This day has some wonderful experiences in store.  The fact that you know how to feel something in the wind and be glad that it is part of the whole universe makes it all the more special.  Today this happening will occur as you go about your daily routine.  You will all of a sudden notice something going on that brightens your day.  This happening occurs because there are so many light sources in the world that the world simply must respond.  While it is emitting energy to rid itself of poor energy, it is also receiving positive energy that can be bound up and emitted as well.

Dick:  The fact that you mention the word “will” makes me wish that I were better at clairvoyance.  I give you permission to push me, because I need to learn trust that those things that are predicted are okay to express.

 Hallelusah:  I hear you.  You are not alone, because those that read prophetic things have the same skepticism.  It is part of your human nature.  So be happy today.  Look and be sensitive for things that make you happy.  That is the word for today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Overthinking The Shift

Hallelusah:  This thing about doing something to help The Shift along is getting out of hand.  People think that they need to be out braining it to death, and it really doesn’t take a lot of effort.  It just takes being and a little bit of doing.  I see by your calendar that you have an active schedule, yet you haven’t changed who you are.  You realize that by doing what you love that you are doing what you need to be doing.  Don’t overanalyze it.  I have said in past postings that the time is soon when everything will come to pass.  I mean that you will have participated in it to the extent that you need to.

Dick:  I must say that I’m feeling a bit confused about what you’re saying, or more correctly, what I think you’re saying. Do you sense my confusion?

Hallelusah:  Naturally I do.  I know more about telepathy than you.  I’m an expert in its use.  I can see right through your confusion.  I know that others are confused as well, and that is why I want people to stop trying to outguess the needs of this shift.  I believe all will be well.  There are plenty of wayshowers to help this thing along, and it doesn’t require straining on the part of the relative few.  I think I’m making myself clear.  I don’t want to belabor the point, but I do want to make it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Consequence of Revealing the Presence of Alien Species

Dick:  Good morning, Hallelusah.

Hallelusah:  I have been wondering what you would think if I were to do something totally unexpected.

Dick:  Actually, I think I’d appreciate it.  I find it difficult to simply write down things that I might be suspected of writing myself.

Hallelusah:  Well here’s the thing.  I think you might be surprised at some of the things I could say.Dick:  That’s no doubt true, since there are so many things in the universe of which I am unaware.

Hallelusah:  Okay let’s try something.  Once upon a time I was with some strange beings, and they told me something that happened in their solar system.  It is much like what is happening on earth.  They had groups that had what are comparable to your religions.  As they became aware of other beings in the universe, they began to decide that they had more in common.

Dick:  And that’s what I think will happen here on earth.

Hallelusah:  Not so fast.  They disagreed on how to deal with other aliens, much as you have political parties.  The factions that sprouted up divided the races as never before. So the result was that revelation of new species divided the population rather than brought them together.

Dick:  Does this mean that we could follow in their same pattern.

Hallelusah: What it means is that you cannot just assume that revelation of our presence will bring about peace among various factions on earth.  You still need to visualize a peaceful world and a peaceful universe to bring about the changes that you want.

Dick:  A good thought.  Was this what you had in mind when you said you could say something unexpected?

Hallelusah:  Yes.  You keep assuming that revelation of alien species will bring you together, and that’s just not the case.  It is not a panacea.

Dick:  It does seem to be a point worth making.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Hallelusah:  The effects of the winter storm in South America, where you receive little information, is significant in that it releases energy that the earth is doing to balance itself.  Whether you realize it or not, the earth really is changing.  I can see it much more clearly than can you.  (Forest for the trees sort of thing.)  I guess you often wonder what is really happening, as you did last night when you look at the stars and saw the same old stars.  Well I mean to tell you that there is plenty going on that your eyes and ears cannot sense.  We will be discussing that in the months ahead.  As for now, just be assured that there is activity; and you will be please to know that you are making a difference.

Dick:  Do you know anything about light workers who volunteered to enter incarnation as humans in order to assist with this transition?

Hallelusah:  I most certainly do.  We can see and feel much more than you, having been raised in a different culture and surroundings in Siria.  (SaLuSa in Siria)  Once in awhile we get to share with you something wonderful, and I feel that these beings, of which you are one, has often been the catalyst for change in an area that needs it.  You do not need to feel rewarded in any way, because you are just doing your job. 

Dick:  It was difficult for me to listen to you during that paragraph, because my feelings were so stirred.  I do not feel any sort of “specialness”.  As you say, I’m just doing my job.

Hallelusah:  And that is what is so wonderful about what is happening here.  There are so many beings from so many different star systems, each bringing their own unique talents.  I believe you call that diversity.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Difference of Opinion

Dick:  Hallelusah, I’m reading other people’s blogs, and some say that extra-terrestrials are going to reveal themselves soon.  On the other hand, you have been saying that they will hold off and allow us to deal with things on our own.  You have said that ET revelation is a last resort.  What you say makes sense from a non-interference perspective.  It also seems logical that we will eventually join our space brothers and sisters.  Please explain the reason for the difference.

Hallelusah:  There really isn’t as much difference as you suspect.  We have always known that you must eventually acknowledge our presence, but we also don’t want to rush things.  I have told you that what I say is my opinion, so if someone else has a different opinion, that is not surprising. 

Dick:  I think the “difference of opinion” stance seems good enough for me.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Bit of History

Hallelusah:  Today is another day with a separate theme.  I wish to discuss how you came to be in the wilds of the universe.  You desired to make someplace beautiful yet unique.  You studied other planetary systems and decided upon this theme.  You first tried some things, but they did not work, so you kept trying.  You perfected a model based on a human.  This you did with time and space as key tools.  To say that you did not expect such a turn of events is true.

Dick:  So how did we come to set up this transition in consciousness?

Hallelusah:  You determined that to do the things that learning would dictate, you would have to transition from one level to another over some space of time.  You are entering a new phase now for the purpose of learning.  You will spend some time here and then you will move on again.  Yes this is a very critical juncture.
            So from here you will traverse to new heights of learning of a different nature.  You will see through your own eyes that peace and trust can be achieved.  Oh how you will marvel when you look back and see that you thought it so difficult. 

 Dick:  I’m surprised to hear this coming from you. Why not from a guide or some spirit that watches from a detached point of view.

Hallelusah:  I have learned much since I began my journey, as will you.  You know more than you are aware of.  As you increase your consciousness level you will become more and more aware of just how you came to be, and your “amnesia” about past lives will be dropped.

Dick:  Interesting.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Finding Something Better

Hallelusah:  I wonder how many times people on earth have searched for gold in the mines of the world only to find something else.  That is what is happening to you right now.  You are expecting to find one thing, but you are finding another.  Perhaps what you do find is even more valuable. 

 Dick:  The vagueness of what you’re saying leaves me behind.  Can you be more specific?

Hallelusah:  I’ll give it a try.  You expect extra terrestrials to identify themselves.  Instead you find that we feign our presence and let you discover things on your own.  I happen to think that mankind is better off by discovering truths on its own without our help.

Dick:  Yes, I and others are really looking forward to “the big reveal”, when extra-terrestrial space beings make themselves known to the world populace in no uncertain fashion.

Hallelusah:  That would have its benefits, but don’t discard the possibility that  revelation is not as good.

Dick:  Alright.  Is that the point you want to make today?

Hallelusah:  Yes.  There is plenty of time to talk about more.  The brevity of my comments make them easier to keep up with.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What's Happening?

Hallelusah:  For today’s message I want to talk about the happenings around earth again.  This time of release of earth energy is going according to schedule.
Dick:  Let me break in here, please.  You say “schedule”.  That implies some sort of actions occurring along a timeline.  I don’t have a good feel for that, and I sometimes wonder if you do either.  Pardon my skepticism.

Hallelusah:  I don’t mind.  We’re being honest with each other.  You deserve to ask that of me.  So here’s where I stand on this.  I am a bystander reporting like a reporter.  I do not have direct access to the planning, but I do have access to the results of that planning.  I can tell you that there are many Federation participants, and they are in love with what they are doing.  You cannot see what they are doing, because it is out of view from where your human eyes can see.  They do not trust letting humans know exactly what they will do and when.  They are a guiding force that does not interfere with your earthly choices.  We aren’t above giving you little hints and suggestions telepathically.  So to say we are not involved would be incorrect.

Dick:  I’m going to listen closely, and perhaps you can tell me in more detail what is going on.

Hallelusah:  Okay, I’m going to speak as carefully and clearly as I can.  The manner in which earth transitions is based upon the manner in which humankind reaches critical mind, if you know what I mean.  Its collective consciousness level has reached level 4 or 5 and there are sufficient numbers of you.  So this allows the earth to shift as well.  By now you’ve figured out that earth is a live being with a spirit.  It transitions as part of the whole.  Mankind, being the dominant inhabitant with consciousness can sway the whole.  So in the beginning of man, there was little progress, but many lives were spent learning and growing.  This is just a growth pattern that gives you greater opportunity.  There are places throughout the total universe where growth is greater and lesser.  You will have ample opportunity to see these as you grow.

Dick:  Do you have any sense of what happens to us when we finally achieve total growth, and I guess reunion with the God state?

Hallelusah:  No, I do not.  That is ahead of me too far for even me to know.  I search the minds of guides that I know, and they have a better sense of it, but it is beyond my understanding.  I’m with you in curiosity on that point.

Dick:  So where were we?  I believe the earth is shifting based on humans reaching a critical state.

Hallelusah:  Right.  This is not new news to you.  So the exact form it takes is what humans dictate, along with earth spirit.  We don’t do that, we just assist with the level of consciousness.  We also watch over things to make sure nothing goes awry, that is, nothing gets out of whack or control.

Dick:  I guess that's good enough for me.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Challenges In Common

(Dick: Make sure you read the previous post in order to understand this one.)

Hallelusah:  Well, the star broke up, and many made their way to other locations.  It was a dramatic breaking up of a physical system, but so much more.  The inhabitants were involved with making peace with each other when they discovered that they would share a common fate that would end life as they knew it.  Needless to say, it brought them together as they had never known before, and from that standpoint their joining and working together was a learning experience like no other.
            Some day you will face the same fate; but that is far, far into your future.  Much will happen before that.  I do not know for sure all that will happen, but I’m able to see somewhat into your future.  You are a very complicated society of beings, and there is much reason to protect it from self-destruction.
            I am finished for today, but I want to combine this message with the previous one.  They are to help you be aware of the universe and your world from a larger perspective.  Hold fast to your dreams, for they create the future that you are looking for.  Sometimes you may doubt that what you think just does not matter, but I am here to tell you that it does.  Good thinking, I wish you.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

In a good mood today

Dick:  Good afternoon, Hallelusah.   It’s raining really hard where I am right now.  Do you experience environmental conditions where you are?

Hallelusah:  As a matter of fact, I do.  They are not the same as yours, but they are analogous.  We experience waves of energy from stars, like your sun.  They emit what you would consider to be a strong wind.  Yes, we feel tossed about somewhat.  In a spaceship, where we sit and watch your world, we are subject to many space forces, some that you know about and some that you don’t.

Dick:  So, what would you like to post on your blog for today?

Hallelusah:  I’m in a good mood.  Yes, I have moods.  I am hopeful, doubtful, happy and sad.  I’m not that much different from you in that regard.  Anyway, today I feel good.  I enjoy seeing the beauty of the universe from my vantage point.  There is always something new to look at from a distance.  We have the technology to see a great distance from where we sit.  It is something that you wish you had, and you will learn it from us when the time comes.  I really am pleased with the communication that we have and that I have with others. Talk about diversity.  When you not only have different emotional types on earth, you have different types from different solar systems.  One can appreciate the uniqueness of everything yet be aware of the oneness of it all.  Yes, this is beautiful.
            I want to describe a particular sight.  It is a star system many light years away.  It is breaking up, and the species of beings there are racing to escape.  Not all will make it, but like you they are eternal in reality, so watching them is not so disturbing.  It allows us the ability to watch the solar activity with amazement and enjoyment.  This is a lesson that I would like to pass along to you.  Be aware of your infinite self, and do not feel threatened by external affairs.  You will be able to be objective and appreciate all that you see, the differences that occur around you.  Be blessed and feel blessed.  Yours is a strange yet wonderful existence.  I applaud you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Keep On Keeping On

Hallelusah:  This once was a planet filled with all sorts of strange beings, but it evolved (I use that term loosely) into a wonderful place to learn.  I am harping on this, because you need to realize your power of creation to adequately gain from your experience here.  To waste this would be tragic, although you are free; and learning your freedom is also a valuable lesson.  I don’t know how you can not learn from any experience here.
            Now for an update on happenings in the world of transition and the Galactic Federation’s goings on.  They have decided, for now, to let things ride out a bit longer.  As I have said, the more we can leave hands off the better.  So I sense this desire for us to disclose ourselves, but I assure you they do not want to do that unless it’s necessary.

Dick:  What about the group of space people you referred to as rogues?  What is preventing them from spilling the beans?

Hallelusah: We are.  They would just as soon trip over themselves and land right in the middle of your affairs, but that would be incorrect. 

Dick:  What about the fact that, as I believe it, there are no right’s or wrong’s. 

Hallelusah: Perhaps I chose my word poorly.  Let’s say that it would be a poor idea, so we think things should be left to be.

Dick:  Is there anything for us to do in the meantime?

Hallelusah:  Just keep on keeping on, just like you have been.  You don’t realize the power of your just “being”.  So be who you are.  You have guides to help you with that.  We are not here to tell you what to do.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What, me gloat?

Hallelusah: This comes from the highest sources in the Galactic Federation, of which I am only an observer.  The time for withdrawing the veil of secrecy is coming quickly.  You will soon – and I guess to be honest, soon is a relative term – see that what we have been saying is no joke.  There is much for you to learn in a short period of time, and this will indeed occur.  So having the foresight to plan and expect this event, you will not be surprised.  As wayshowers, you, the expectant ones, will be able to explain what is going on to those who are scratching their heads.  You, who know that this is part of a contrived plan in the works for eons, will be able to enjoy with glee the goings on.   Please do not gloat, for this is serious business, and there have been many who gave lives and effort to bringing it about.  You who have been a part of this for many lives will see that the time has been worth whatever you put up with.  You learned, I learned, all learned from what you have experienced in bringing you to this point.  That is long winded, I know, but I want to make clear that this is not just some other thing that is happening.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trials and Tribulations

Hallelusah:  Once upon a time I thought that I might not come to earth.  But as things progressed I saw that there was a tremendous learning opportunity for me.  So I came, and I haven’t been disappointed.  As I said once before, I became discouraged at times, but that was part of the learning experience.  It is often the most difficult of circumstances that teach us the greatest lessons.  I can tell you from one space being to another that you should cherish your trials and tribulations.  They are the things that you will cherish the most in your long journey through space and time (which, as you will find out, don’t exist, or more appropriately, don’t matter). 
            I have seen worlds where the tribulations are much less intense and some more intense.  Your planet is unique in many ways, and you should feel gratified by the fact that so many of us from afar want to assist in protecting your existence.
            I leave you now for today only to say that I wish you the best each day.  These times are both difficult for some and glorious for others.  That you are here speaks to your mettle.