Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Salusans (SaLuSans)

Hallelusah:  This has been a busy time, here in the nether world.  I tell you this, because I want you to know that things go on without your knowing.  I see often that you feel in a plateau when you are not.  Things are changing rapidly, and you can rest assured that things are going well indeed.
            In particular I want to tell you about Salusans (sometimes spelled SaLuSans) and the roll they are playing.  I enjoy that, because I am more directly involved.  Salusans are the ones who translate into various languages that which receptive humans could not otherwise understand.  Telepathy is a widely used language, but when two races speak different languages, the translation is often not clear.  I really enjoy this work, because I am involved with both what we are doing and what you are doing. 
            I will speak more in the future about other tidbits of information.  I don’t want to waste all my material in one day.
            Be of good cheer.  Be happy.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Regret Replaced By Hope

Hallelusah:  What once was a troublesome problem for mankind has become an asset.  You wonder in amazement at the future of things, and you say something more positive [than you used to].  I cannot tell you how many times I’ve regretted our coming to earth, even though I knew it was for the good.  Yes, I actually felt frustrated over it.  Then something happened to your minds collectively that gives me great hope.  I see now that God’s (I guess "God" is the best word you have that I can use.) plan for your planet cannot be dislodged from its foray into the future.  Now you have come to a juncture that seems almost assured.  I am glad to be here, and I’m glad to be talking to you.  This is my greatest hope: that mankind will join the forces of good in this universe by becoming servers-for-all rather than servers-of-self.  You once felt hopeless, many eons ago.  Now you see the way through to peace and tranquility, although many are still upset with the transition.  You will see that all works out well.  For those of you who know that we are in transition, stand tall and be glad on behalf of everyone else.  Learn to be hopeful throughout this process.  I bid you farewell for today, but I am not leaving.  I’m here for the duration of this change, and I now look forward to moving on to another challenge.  I welcome you to travel with me.  You who have assisted by being part of this will have much to share with your brethren and sisters elsewhere.  Thank you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Aliens, ET's, UFO's, etc.

Dear Readers,
It has been brought to my attention that the terms aliens, extra-terrestrials, ET's and UFO's are somewhat perjorative terms that do not properly express the kinship that we have with our space brothers and sisters.  So henceforth I will refer to them as "stellans" or "star people."
Dick Kates.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Aliens to the core

A question for Hallelusah:  I keep seeing references in other channelings about the Argathans and the Inner Earth, but geology tells us that the core of the Earth is solid and very hot.  Is it possible to reconcile the two concepts?
 Dick:  Well, Hallelusah, what do you say about this?
Hallelusah:  The core of the earth is energy just like everything else.  Why should it be any more difficult to exist in one form of energy more than another?  As far as Argathans are concerned, that’s just what one person calls them, just like you call me Hallelusah.  You can’t imagine what other Sirians call me.  So don’t worry about the contradiction.  Beings can exist anywhere.


Hallelusah:  This time of year brings many new emphases to the transition process.  You have been seeing changes in your earth – which, by the way, is indeed a living, breathing organism, as you would call it.  The ferocity is only scratching the surface of the strains that the earth is going through to right itself into balance.  So stand fast if you can and try not to be upset by what you read in the news.
            Another topic.  The star workers from other realms wish that you would stop portraying them as evil.  They understand that it is just part of your coming around, but I thought I’d express their feeling for this moment.
Me:  That sounds to me as if we are bugging their egos.  Have they not ridded themselves of that troublesome devil?
Hallelusah:  They have emotions.  They are more like you than you might know.  If you want to call that ego, I guess maybe they’re guilty of that.  They are not ascended masters yet.  Just like you,  they need to find themselves aware of who they really are; and that is an adjustment that needs to be made all over the universe.  Your transition both individually and as a species has led them to assist you, and they want you to sense their loving presence without fear.
Me:  Noted.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Group of Aliens Join the Fray (I'm tempted to say, "Fracus".)

Hallelusah:  Today I’d like to talk about other ET races that are involved with this transition.  There are a few that you might not have heard of.  Just today we were joined by some new -- I guess I’ll use the word -- aliens.  They have come from far away as you understand it, but they are of course very near in terms of travel, which is almost instantaneous from anywhere in the universe.  (I keep having to stumble over things/terms/ideas in your terms, because in my terms they are not the same, especially time and distance.)  Anyway, they have the ability to spread communication around like no other here.  Their unique ability was known by several of the hierarchy here, and so they were requested to join us. 
            (How did you like that May 21st end-of-the-world rumor?  I enjoyed watching it.  One needs a certain level of humor when watching a lower-level species trying desperately to break out of its consciousness shell.)
            At any rate, these new aliens have arrived on the scene and they will assist.  There are so very many of us here.  I hesitate to guess just how many different races there are, but if you could only sense their presence you would be happy beyond your dreams just to know that there is so much love in the universe to help you. 
            So that ends my message for today.  Mainly I wanted to tell you that there are many who have assembled.  Eons of time have been manifested here in this place for your benefit.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Scurrying across life's runway

Me:  Good morning, Hallelusah.  I want to begin by asking you a question.
You mention the second and first dimensions.  Can you describe for us what they are like?
Hallelusah:  I’ll try, but realize that words and your experience make it difficult.  Once there was just a single dimension on the earth plane. It was long before we even thought of doing anything with higher levels.  You and I were both doing this thing together as co-creators.  We were learning.  One dimension has only a single function: survival. You wouldn’t recognize it now, because there are so many aspects of survival to you.  Don’t think of dimensions in geometric terms, think of it in terms of how you go about life.  In survival mode there is no thought about consciousness or awareness of it.  When you move to the second dimension you enter a mode where you become conscious of yourself and every other thing about you.  You still do not have much in common with the other beings in your midst, but you find that simply surviving is not as rewarding as helping each other survive.
Me:  Hallelusah, I don’t know how familiar you are with Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy, but what you are describing sounds very much like it. 
Hallelusah:  I know you are familiar with it.  That is why the thought is rolling around in your mind.  I’m describing it for those who are not familiar with his theory.
Me:  Now that I suppose you have answered the question, do you have anything you’d like to say?
Hallelusah:  Just this:  You may find as you traverse the runway of life that aircraft seem to be taking off and landing while you try to scurry across like a little animal.  Don’t worry; they don’t have any ability to hit you if you don’t let them.
Me:  That sounds like advice from a spirit guide.
Hallelusah:  You will find as you evolve to higher realms that you will also come to know more about how the universe exists.  You will become more familiar with laws of the universe.  Therefore, what to you now is just theory will become second nature to you.
Me:  Since this is your blog, I’ll take it on faith that you have a target.  Good day for now, I will check in day after tomorrow or sooner if I hear you calling.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lower Level Dimensions

Hallelusah:  It is no wonder that humanity has struggled to develop its ability to transport themselves to another dimension.  It is primarily due to the desire to travel in the easiest way possible, given current knowledge.
Me:  So doesn’t our desire to experience lower level events have something to do with it?
Hallelusah:  Of course.  But mankind was kindled to enjoy itself a little too much.  This myopic idea that everything is just as your five senses feel them to be is just a drop in the bucket to how you have been unable to fathom the extent of all creation.  For example, one dimension that hasn’t been experienced is the second dimension.  This is truly fascinating.  You are well familiar with the third dimension, and you think in terms of it.  But you haven’t delved into the reverse of where you are headed. 
Me:  Is there also a zeroth dimension?  I’m presuming that there is a first dimension.
Hallelusah:  If you are willing to accept that there are several dimensions above and below where you are, I think you will have to accept a zeroth dimension.  Mostly you have wondered about your third dimension.  There is a tremendous universe beyond this.  Creation is so much more than you imagine.
Me:  Is there anything else that you would like to talk about?
Hallelusah: Space travel.  You will soon find out that the power of the mind is much greater than you have previously thought.  I’m speaking of mankind here.  The boundaries of travel are limitless the higher you go in your development or evolution.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ET Brothers and Sisters

Today we are going to learn something new about extra-terrestrials: they are just like you.  How should you accept this?  First of all, you and we are both spirits.  We are different in that we chose to spend our non-time in different realms.  Many of us have spent time in both realms, as I have.  It helps me to understand what you are going through, so that I can be of greater help.  Second, we do not have any attachment to this plane or that, and neither do you if you were to know your true self.  So when you think of us, think of us as compatriots, not extra-terrestrial aliens from another realm.  We and you are brothers and sisters.  Be one with us throughout this day.  Contemplate our connection, and be glad for the wonder and glory of it all.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just a reminder: you are eternal.

Me:  Good morning, Hallelusah.
Hallelusah:  From here to eternity you shall go.  I know that you know that, but it’s good to keep in mind that not everyone carries around their awareness as you do.  So whenever I have a chance to remind people that they are in fact eternal, I take it.
            Next, I’d like to say that the whole affair of between lives is overblown.  This is just my opinion.  So you plan your next life.  Big deal!  Again, that’s just me.  Remember you are eternal, so why not spend some time in one place for awhile?  Remember too that time doesn’t really exist.  That’s not too bad when you get used to it either.
            And finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to say, “Thank you,” to all of those of you who have taken part in this momentous event.
Me:  Isn’t that everyone and everything?
Hallelusah:  Then let me clarify.  I want to thank those who knowingly participate in this big event.  You are a hardy bunch, and we all who are from other realms salute you. 
            That is all I have to say for today.  Thank you.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Questions, anyone?

Me:  Good morning, Hallelusah.
Hallelusah:  Good morning.  This morning we’re going to do something a little different.  We’re going to ask people what they want to know, because I’m in a magnanimous mood, I guess.  So people out there in blog reader land, what would you like to know?  For example, why are we waiting so long?  Why haven’t you come forward?  The answer to that is that we are not the ones dictating the speed of events; you are.  Secondly, why haven’t people recognized the fact that ET’s are in their midst?  They have, but they just won’t admit it.  So please do ask questions.  I promise to do my ET best to answer them.  I will get help from some angels that I’ve come to know if I don’t have the answer.
Me:  I’ll start with the first question.  Please elaborate on your first Q&A.  What are we doing or not doing to move things along? 
Hallelusah:  As I’ve stated before, we are trying to let you work things out on earth by yourselves.  If we never show ourselves we would consider that a success.  Sure, I know that many of you want us to show ourselves, but that’s just an ego trip on your part.  Please try to be happy that YOU know that we exist.  We are part of the great whole of the universe, and we want you to include us in your thoughts, prayers and meditations.  But, please, please do not fall into the trap of aching for us to show ourselves.  Please be happy if we don’t have to.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Telepathy and the Magical Hat

             Once upon a time there was an extra-terrestrial who didn’t know how to communicate with humans.  He donned a magical hat that he borrowed from a friend and began thinking.  It suddenly dawned on him that he was barking up the wrong idiom.  So he gave the hat back and began to study what others had done.  He found that telepathy can be a powerful tool in the hands of those that can persist in learning how to use it.  The exact reverse can be employed by humans who wish to communicate with ET’s.  So if you want to talk to me or one of my associates, go find a good book or friend who can help you.
            I cannot stress enough how important it is that those who are so inclined should try.  We are all one, and it is important that we all work together.  After eons of seeing only yourselves, it is time to broaden your horizon and welcome humanity into the universe of souls.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What's that on my shoulder?

Hallelusah:  Many of you are waiting patiently for something to happen.  I know that this waiting may seem like an eternity to you, but believe me it is short in terms of a true eternity.  Nonetheless, things are progressing.  Please do not let up in your efforts to spread light in the world with thoughts of peace and laughter.  What you don’t’ see in the form of miraculous events in the unseen would give you hope and confidence that you are succeeding in this millennial event. 
            One more thing.  Today you may feel the presence of some unknown being on your shoulder.  If you do, please let it just sit there; and enjoy the peace and warmth of its presence.  What flies in the daytime also sleeps at night, and the birds of happiness will fill the air as we all proceed in the airing of our dreams.
(Me:  I hope that last paragraph makes sense to one of you, because it doesn’t mean anything to me.)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Hundreth Monkey (Google it)

             The world cannot begin to transition until it has enough positive energy.  The exact time when that will occur – think hundredth monkey – is up to mankind itself.  We are mainly observers.  This time will come at the rate that you are growing, but do not expect it to be at a specific time and date.  December 21, 2012 is only a benchmark time.  So live expectantly with hope in your hearts and minds.  This is a wonderful time to be alive as a human.  Many others surround you, such as my kind, and we are participating in what is a truly significant universal event. 

            Now more specifically I address my readers.  You are wondering if I am going to give you some piece of information that you do not find elsewhere.  I will probably disappoint you, because I am only one of many who are speaking to you.  You will find, however, information that you need to piece together what you need to know.  I also hope that by my speaking to you, and you reading my words, that you will be uplifted and know more firmly that this is a time for you to rejoice.  Please be happy, and hasten the day when the transition – the hundredth monkey – will find its home.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A dawn of the soul

Me:  Good morning, Hallelusah.
Hallelusah:  When morning comes you awake and wonder what the day will bring.  If you have time and you are wise you will spend a few moments thinking about it and setting your goals for the day.  This spiritual awakening is very much like that.  The dawn of the soul is here.  Stop and take a few minutes to ponder what you want this new world to look like.  Set your goals and intentions.  Send them off into the ether to be absorbed by the earth and all its inhabitants.  This you will find brings a fresh feeling of goodness and a satisfaction of a job well done when you see the results that it brings. 
Me:  This sounds a lot like something I would hear from a spirit guide. 
Hallelusah:  Well it isn’t as if I don’t ask for and get a little help now and then.  Good catch.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hands off approach and Star Trek

            What I’d like to speak to you today about is all within your realm of understanding.  This event I speak of is both time consuming and wonderful from your perspective.  Many of you are hoping for a quick fix, but alas I cannot satisfy your desire for speediness.  We on the other side of consciousness are planning our steps very carefully.  We want to minimize our interference, letting mankind settle its affairs by themselves as much as possible.  Thus is this a learning opportunity for all involved.  Learning is the paramount consideration here.  We will not let anyone destroy the earth, but we will tolerate some violence against one another in the name of learning.  Remember, you cannot die, only learn.  So with that said, please sit back and allow things to happen in their natural order.  Patience can be tolerated when you know that eternity is a tool of yours.  Please take this day for comfort and ease.  Joyfully spend the hours doing what you enjoy.  That is one of the best things you can do for yourselves.
Me:  I have a question from a reader and friend.
"Was Gene Roddenberry, who created Star Trek, inspired by ET's?  His ideas seem prophetic, both socially and technologically.  For one instance, back then I noted the captain of the Enterprise reading (often Shakespeare) on a hand-held tablet, which looks just like the "new" e-readers of today.  I'd love to hear which beings among you worked with him and how they reached him - pure inspiration and imagination or was he channeling somehow?"
Hallelusah:  Well of course he was.  He was too close to being on the mark to have been just browsing his mind for creative thoughts.  Many things occur in your societies as the result of telepathic suggestion.  You retain free will, but we simply give you suggestions.  You know at a soul level things that are not apparent at a conscious level.  Your answer is “Yes”.
            As to which beings: those that I have referred to as “friendlies”.  I’ll leave it to others to specify exactly which ones.  I don’t believe that is really where you wish this answer to go.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Now we did it.

(Note: This morning we awoke to newspaper headlines that Americans had killed Osama Bin Laden.  Let me make a disclaimer here.  I simply pass along what I sense coming into my head.  Telepathy is a strange thing to experience.  Anyway, I feel very uncomfortable with any kind of prophecy, so I'll get that off my chest before you read today's posting.)
Me:  Good morning Hallelusah. 
Hallelusah:  Well now you did it.  What false joy you will have now.  I know YOU didn’t do it, but this will undoubtedly set off a series of events that will throw your country into chaos.  But you needn’t see it that way.  Know that some bad events can have positive effects.  This is one of those.  So please remain calm and of good cheer.  Please continue to share your heartfelt thoughts of goodness and happiness.  Share them with the world to bring about a lasting peace for all humanity.  This will be looked upon as a key moment in the history of the world, for what will come of it wll be a shift in the peaceful efforts of man, with a sincere effort to try to get along.  What you don’t know is that this is a great time, not a bad time, despite the world crashing around your feet. I will say more in the days ahead.