Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Difference of Opinion

Dick:  Hallelusah, I’m reading other people’s blogs, and some say that extra-terrestrials are going to reveal themselves soon.  On the other hand, you have been saying that they will hold off and allow us to deal with things on our own.  You have said that ET revelation is a last resort.  What you say makes sense from a non-interference perspective.  It also seems logical that we will eventually join our space brothers and sisters.  Please explain the reason for the difference.

Hallelusah:  There really isn’t as much difference as you suspect.  We have always known that you must eventually acknowledge our presence, but we also don’t want to rush things.  I have told you that what I say is my opinion, so if someone else has a different opinion, that is not surprising. 

Dick:  I think the “difference of opinion” stance seems good enough for me.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Bit of History

Hallelusah:  Today is another day with a separate theme.  I wish to discuss how you came to be in the wilds of the universe.  You desired to make someplace beautiful yet unique.  You studied other planetary systems and decided upon this theme.  You first tried some things, but they did not work, so you kept trying.  You perfected a model based on a human.  This you did with time and space as key tools.  To say that you did not expect such a turn of events is true.

Dick:  So how did we come to set up this transition in consciousness?

Hallelusah:  You determined that to do the things that learning would dictate, you would have to transition from one level to another over some space of time.  You are entering a new phase now for the purpose of learning.  You will spend some time here and then you will move on again.  Yes this is a very critical juncture.
            So from here you will traverse to new heights of learning of a different nature.  You will see through your own eyes that peace and trust can be achieved.  Oh how you will marvel when you look back and see that you thought it so difficult. 

 Dick:  I’m surprised to hear this coming from you. Why not from a guide or some spirit that watches from a detached point of view.

Hallelusah:  I have learned much since I began my journey, as will you.  You know more than you are aware of.  As you increase your consciousness level you will become more and more aware of just how you came to be, and your “amnesia” about past lives will be dropped.

Dick:  Interesting.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Finding Something Better

Hallelusah:  I wonder how many times people on earth have searched for gold in the mines of the world only to find something else.  That is what is happening to you right now.  You are expecting to find one thing, but you are finding another.  Perhaps what you do find is even more valuable. 

 Dick:  The vagueness of what you’re saying leaves me behind.  Can you be more specific?

Hallelusah:  I’ll give it a try.  You expect extra terrestrials to identify themselves.  Instead you find that we feign our presence and let you discover things on your own.  I happen to think that mankind is better off by discovering truths on its own without our help.

Dick:  Yes, I and others are really looking forward to “the big reveal”, when extra-terrestrial space beings make themselves known to the world populace in no uncertain fashion.

Hallelusah:  That would have its benefits, but don’t discard the possibility that  revelation is not as good.

Dick:  Alright.  Is that the point you want to make today?

Hallelusah:  Yes.  There is plenty of time to talk about more.  The brevity of my comments make them easier to keep up with.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What's Happening?

Hallelusah:  For today’s message I want to talk about the happenings around earth again.  This time of release of earth energy is going according to schedule.
Dick:  Let me break in here, please.  You say “schedule”.  That implies some sort of actions occurring along a timeline.  I don’t have a good feel for that, and I sometimes wonder if you do either.  Pardon my skepticism.

Hallelusah:  I don’t mind.  We’re being honest with each other.  You deserve to ask that of me.  So here’s where I stand on this.  I am a bystander reporting like a reporter.  I do not have direct access to the planning, but I do have access to the results of that planning.  I can tell you that there are many Federation participants, and they are in love with what they are doing.  You cannot see what they are doing, because it is out of view from where your human eyes can see.  They do not trust letting humans know exactly what they will do and when.  They are a guiding force that does not interfere with your earthly choices.  We aren’t above giving you little hints and suggestions telepathically.  So to say we are not involved would be incorrect.

Dick:  I’m going to listen closely, and perhaps you can tell me in more detail what is going on.

Hallelusah:  Okay, I’m going to speak as carefully and clearly as I can.  The manner in which earth transitions is based upon the manner in which humankind reaches critical mind, if you know what I mean.  Its collective consciousness level has reached level 4 or 5 and there are sufficient numbers of you.  So this allows the earth to shift as well.  By now you’ve figured out that earth is a live being with a spirit.  It transitions as part of the whole.  Mankind, being the dominant inhabitant with consciousness can sway the whole.  So in the beginning of man, there was little progress, but many lives were spent learning and growing.  This is just a growth pattern that gives you greater opportunity.  There are places throughout the total universe where growth is greater and lesser.  You will have ample opportunity to see these as you grow.

Dick:  Do you have any sense of what happens to us when we finally achieve total growth, and I guess reunion with the God state?

Hallelusah:  No, I do not.  That is ahead of me too far for even me to know.  I search the minds of guides that I know, and they have a better sense of it, but it is beyond my understanding.  I’m with you in curiosity on that point.

Dick:  So where were we?  I believe the earth is shifting based on humans reaching a critical state.

Hallelusah:  Right.  This is not new news to you.  So the exact form it takes is what humans dictate, along with earth spirit.  We don’t do that, we just assist with the level of consciousness.  We also watch over things to make sure nothing goes awry, that is, nothing gets out of whack or control.

Dick:  I guess that's good enough for me.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Challenges In Common

(Dick: Make sure you read the previous post in order to understand this one.)

Hallelusah:  Well, the star broke up, and many made their way to other locations.  It was a dramatic breaking up of a physical system, but so much more.  The inhabitants were involved with making peace with each other when they discovered that they would share a common fate that would end life as they knew it.  Needless to say, it brought them together as they had never known before, and from that standpoint their joining and working together was a learning experience like no other.
            Some day you will face the same fate; but that is far, far into your future.  Much will happen before that.  I do not know for sure all that will happen, but I’m able to see somewhat into your future.  You are a very complicated society of beings, and there is much reason to protect it from self-destruction.
            I am finished for today, but I want to combine this message with the previous one.  They are to help you be aware of the universe and your world from a larger perspective.  Hold fast to your dreams, for they create the future that you are looking for.  Sometimes you may doubt that what you think just does not matter, but I am here to tell you that it does.  Good thinking, I wish you.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

In a good mood today

Dick:  Good afternoon, Hallelusah.   It’s raining really hard where I am right now.  Do you experience environmental conditions where you are?

Hallelusah:  As a matter of fact, I do.  They are not the same as yours, but they are analogous.  We experience waves of energy from stars, like your sun.  They emit what you would consider to be a strong wind.  Yes, we feel tossed about somewhat.  In a spaceship, where we sit and watch your world, we are subject to many space forces, some that you know about and some that you don’t.

Dick:  So, what would you like to post on your blog for today?

Hallelusah:  I’m in a good mood.  Yes, I have moods.  I am hopeful, doubtful, happy and sad.  I’m not that much different from you in that regard.  Anyway, today I feel good.  I enjoy seeing the beauty of the universe from my vantage point.  There is always something new to look at from a distance.  We have the technology to see a great distance from where we sit.  It is something that you wish you had, and you will learn it from us when the time comes.  I really am pleased with the communication that we have and that I have with others. Talk about diversity.  When you not only have different emotional types on earth, you have different types from different solar systems.  One can appreciate the uniqueness of everything yet be aware of the oneness of it all.  Yes, this is beautiful.
            I want to describe a particular sight.  It is a star system many light years away.  It is breaking up, and the species of beings there are racing to escape.  Not all will make it, but like you they are eternal in reality, so watching them is not so disturbing.  It allows us the ability to watch the solar activity with amazement and enjoyment.  This is a lesson that I would like to pass along to you.  Be aware of your infinite self, and do not feel threatened by external affairs.  You will be able to be objective and appreciate all that you see, the differences that occur around you.  Be blessed and feel blessed.  Yours is a strange yet wonderful existence.  I applaud you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Keep On Keeping On

Hallelusah:  This once was a planet filled with all sorts of strange beings, but it evolved (I use that term loosely) into a wonderful place to learn.  I am harping on this, because you need to realize your power of creation to adequately gain from your experience here.  To waste this would be tragic, although you are free; and learning your freedom is also a valuable lesson.  I don’t know how you can not learn from any experience here.
            Now for an update on happenings in the world of transition and the Galactic Federation’s goings on.  They have decided, for now, to let things ride out a bit longer.  As I have said, the more we can leave hands off the better.  So I sense this desire for us to disclose ourselves, but I assure you they do not want to do that unless it’s necessary.

Dick:  What about the group of space people you referred to as rogues?  What is preventing them from spilling the beans?

Hallelusah: We are.  They would just as soon trip over themselves and land right in the middle of your affairs, but that would be incorrect. 

Dick:  What about the fact that, as I believe it, there are no right’s or wrong’s. 

Hallelusah: Perhaps I chose my word poorly.  Let’s say that it would be a poor idea, so we think things should be left to be.

Dick:  Is there anything for us to do in the meantime?

Hallelusah:  Just keep on keeping on, just like you have been.  You don’t realize the power of your just “being”.  So be who you are.  You have guides to help you with that.  We are not here to tell you what to do.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What, me gloat?

Hallelusah: This comes from the highest sources in the Galactic Federation, of which I am only an observer.  The time for withdrawing the veil of secrecy is coming quickly.  You will soon – and I guess to be honest, soon is a relative term – see that what we have been saying is no joke.  There is much for you to learn in a short period of time, and this will indeed occur.  So having the foresight to plan and expect this event, you will not be surprised.  As wayshowers, you, the expectant ones, will be able to explain what is going on to those who are scratching their heads.  You, who know that this is part of a contrived plan in the works for eons, will be able to enjoy with glee the goings on.   Please do not gloat, for this is serious business, and there have been many who gave lives and effort to bringing it about.  You who have been a part of this for many lives will see that the time has been worth whatever you put up with.  You learned, I learned, all learned from what you have experienced in bringing you to this point.  That is long winded, I know, but I want to make clear that this is not just some other thing that is happening.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trials and Tribulations

Hallelusah:  Once upon a time I thought that I might not come to earth.  But as things progressed I saw that there was a tremendous learning opportunity for me.  So I came, and I haven’t been disappointed.  As I said once before, I became discouraged at times, but that was part of the learning experience.  It is often the most difficult of circumstances that teach us the greatest lessons.  I can tell you from one space being to another that you should cherish your trials and tribulations.  They are the things that you will cherish the most in your long journey through space and time (which, as you will find out, don’t exist, or more appropriately, don’t matter). 
            I have seen worlds where the tribulations are much less intense and some more intense.  Your planet is unique in many ways, and you should feel gratified by the fact that so many of us from afar want to assist in protecting your existence.
            I leave you now for today only to say that I wish you the best each day.  These times are both difficult for some and glorious for others.  That you are here speaks to your mettle.

Friday, June 10, 2011

About Passion

Hallelusah:  The work involved in recruiting assistants to any project may become intolerable if one merely focuses on the skills that are used in the project.  Motivation is a key to any project, and you will find that passion has a certain ring to it.  People with a passion for their work go about things in a happy way.  They enjoy their work.  So look for passion.

            Likewise, searching for people who will find happiness in knowing us from other realms does not depend upon abilities.  I can tell you that passion and fervor are the most useful of skills or talents that one can have in the area of spirituality.  These spiritual masters are the ones who have found throughout their lives that they want to assist others in ways that are unconventional.  They are willing to step out on the limb of faith and bring in fresh views to the weary souls that slog through life in traditional ways.  This is not to say that there are not motivated sloggers, but the soul seeker has a leg up in that they are out-of-the-box thinkers.  They have learned how to tap into a realm of understanding that comes from eons of traditional bumbling.  (I wish to clarify that bumbling can be a very important lesson in one’s life.)  So in summary, look for passion in your friends and associates.  Cultivate their love for life and their causes.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hopes and Dreams

Hallelusah:  As before, I wish to proceed with telling you about how we decided that we should come to help you and let you feel our presence while allowing you freedom of expression.  This was many eons in the making from your perspective.  (Please put on your thinking cap that does not require time.)  When we saw what was going to happen, we decided that to simply leave you alone would be to tolerate the loss of something very unique and valuable to the growth of all spirits who would enter the earth realm.  You, for example, would not be able to experience what you are now going through.  You would have other experiences, but they would not be THESE experiences.  This, as you will see at some point, are worth pursuing.  Anyway, we could not allow your planet to be destroyed by unchecked growth in hedonism.

            Now to answer some of your questions floating in your mind about this sky show I’ve talked about.  So, without your saying so, I know that you are very skeptical while being hopeful.  Well me too.  I too have my doubts and hopes.  I am not that much different from you.  I know what I have achieved, but I also am aware that I have not achieved all that I wish to.  So this space show that I’ve mentioned will occur when things are just right.  I don’t know exactly when that will be, but I can say with great confidence that it will come.  So if you take a wait-and-see approach, so be it. 

            What you don’t see are all the hopeful things happening.  Your life will become different.  Your hopes and dreams and those of your neighbors will be realized with greater optimism at the helm. 

            Please continue to be my friend.  Please continue to listen to my words of friendship to all who read my words.  I wish you great things.  I wish you hope and love.  Oh how I wish you the great things that you are capable of.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Anti-matter, Ascended Masters, and Scientists

Dick:  Hallelusah, I’m going to start ribbing you if you keep talking about light shows in the sky and such.  It feels too much like the recent prediction of the world ending on May 21.

Hallelusah:  Not today, but maybe later.  Today I want to mention that we have started teaching some of you to listen to other forms of alien life beside visitors.  This form is something that you have not encountered before.  You read in the news this morning about antimatter.  This is a form made out of anti-matter.  The reason I tell you this is to keep you interested in all life as a way to broaden your perspective. Your narrow view needs to be expanded.  There is more to life than what you have been familiar with.

            I also want to talk about the doves of peace in the neighborhood of earth.  They are the wayshowers who arrive from around the universe to teach each of us through their experience how to achieve peace as our worlds settle into higher levels of consciousness.  They are often called ascended masters by you and they definitely bring a special presence and enhancement to your transition.  You are so blessed, as are we all, that they have decided to join us.

            And lastly today I want to give special thanks to those of you who don’t know what is going on but are knowledgeable in the workings of the universe as a whole.  You definitely don’t do this for the reward, but your learning experience benefits all.  The science fields of earth have been expanding for decades and centuries.  The scientists, while blinded by ignorance, are also forerunners of those who will follow and find new avenues of peaceful uses for technology.  They are to be thanked deeply.

            And now I leave you with a blessing today and a request to keep your eyes peering at the skies.

            Yours truly, Hallelusah.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Keep Your Eyes to the Skies

Hallelusah:  In an effort to reach the far corners of the earth’s people, we will demonstrate with clarity that we are not to be feared.  This has taken some planning, but you will see that it is a good plan.
Dick:  I must interject here that I am uncomfortable passing along prophetic statements.
Hallelusah:  To all who are reading this blog, Dick is not responsible for what I say.  He is merely parroting what he hears me say.  If you believe that, you will believe what I say.
            Now back to my prophetic prediction.  The display will occur in the night.  Watch the clear sky, and you will see much to wonder about.  So that is enough for now.  I just want to call your attention to it, so when you see it you will know what is going on.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Light Shows and Space Travel Predicted

            Today I wish to express my thanks again for the many who bring their happiness into the world.  You have absolutely no idea how much that helps everyone.  I want to reiterate it to reinforce your behavior.
            With all that is happening I can almost forget to mention that the fireworks that will soon occur in the sky will startle many; but you who are watching and waiting, this will be reason to cheer loudly.  I wish you could know for sure when and where to look, but I will just say that both northern and southern hemispheres will have their light shows.  We welcome you to the federation of stars, the Galactic Federation, if you want to call it that.  You are becoming space beings and you deserve every bit of credit for bringing yourselves to this point. 
I sense a question coming.
Dick:  Yes.  When in the evolution of a race or species does one stop using reincarnation?  Is that a question for you?  You see many races, and you know of your own past.
Hallelusah:  You are really worried or curious about man’s development.  This will depend on many factors, and it would be pointless for me to give you a specific answer.  Let me at least say that it will be at some point in your future.  You will have long been aware of it when you begin, and you will have long been traveling throughout the galaxy. 
Dick:  (I’m seeing or receiving images of us traveling first to different planets, then to nearby solar systems, and then throughout the galaxy.)