Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just Keep On Keeping On

Hallelusah:  This once was a planet filled with all sorts of strange beings, but it evolved (I use that term loosely) into a wonderful place to learn.  I am harping on this, because you need to realize your power of creation to adequately gain from your experience here.  To waste this would be tragic, although you are free; and learning your freedom is also a valuable lesson.  I don’t know how you can not learn from any experience here.
            Now for an update on happenings in the world of transition and the Galactic Federation’s goings on.  They have decided, for now, to let things ride out a bit longer.  As I have said, the more we can leave hands off the better.  So I sense this desire for us to disclose ourselves, but I assure you they do not want to do that unless it’s necessary.

Dick:  What about the group of space people you referred to as rogues?  What is preventing them from spilling the beans?

Hallelusah: We are.  They would just as soon trip over themselves and land right in the middle of your affairs, but that would be incorrect. 

Dick:  What about the fact that, as I believe it, there are no right’s or wrong’s. 

Hallelusah: Perhaps I chose my word poorly.  Let’s say that it would be a poor idea, so we think things should be left to be.

Dick:  Is there anything for us to do in the meantime?

Hallelusah:  Just keep on keeping on, just like you have been.  You don’t realize the power of your just “being”.  So be who you are.  You have guides to help you with that.  We are not here to tell you what to do.

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