Saturday, July 27, 2013

Telepathy Goes Anywhere

Good evening Hallelusah.  Here I am, over 100 miles from home, and I have no doubt that I can talk to you wherever I go.

Hello, Dick.  Yes, you will find many surprising new things that are available to you once you cross over the border of time and space to the universe beyond.  I have little doubt that you will find yourself there in the midst of all your friends.  You have little to fear and much to anticipate that you will consider to be wonderful.  There are so many, many things that you humans still have to learn.  Once humankind decides to pursue other interests outside of the realm of time and space, you will all see that this is just the tip of a tremendous iceberg of things to know and do.

I’m wondering if you have anything to say to our wider audience.

You may tell them that I say many things that will seem strange; but once you know what is here, you will be the forbears of good news.  Hang in there with those of us from beyond your current understanding just awhile longer.  I know that you are growing so, so impatient.  I do not how to make easier the task of believing in something that has yet to happen.  This I promise you:  you will not be disappointed.  Now tell that to everyone you feel like telling.  Others will look askance at you, but you just hold your ground.  One of these days you will be seen as a wise one, because you said something strange would happen, and it will have.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Sirians and Religion

Hallelusah, do you or did you find disagreement about the nature of God?  Is there an equivalent to religion among Sirians?

 I hate to sense you feeling so disturbed, but you must know that knowing the unknowable is just that: unknowable.  Yes, we have different beliefs about what is and what is not, but we have also learned to get past our individual beliefs.  We have a greater appreciation for our Oneness, where you are still stuck in the separate phase of humanity.  You will eventually dig your way out, but for now it is just enough that you see us as your friends.  We help you to adapt to the new perspective on existence.  We help you, because we know what it is like to be ignorant.  Please believe in the self that speaks to you.  Know, or at least believe, that you have a spirit guiding you.  Trust.  What a difficult thing when you are so blind.  We are here to help you, and you can only take that by faith.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Look To the Sky

Yesterday Hallelusah didn't have anything to post, but something he said is worth noting, I thought:
"... you need only think positively about the world around you in order to get your message across."

When the lights go out in Georgia, look to the sky, young Skywalker.  This is the time for you to find your destiny.  For whenever there is something to see in the darkness, a light will shine to show the way to something new.  So “What are you talking about?” you ask.  I’m talking about the fact that the glory of All That Is will roll into your world like thunder and lightning.  You needn’t wonder too much about what I’m saying.  Just look to the sky with anticipation.  You will see what you had hoped to see one of these days in your lifetime.  Know and trust.  Yes, I know trust of something long promised and not yet fulfilled is a difficult task.  Your positive thoughts give birth to this occurrence.  Look, think, trust.  These things I ask of you, my beloved earth inhabitants.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Universe: God's Creation

Just what is outer space?  It is something that exists, but exists only in the mind, the mind of God, if you would.  This makes it more understandable and peaceful.  The creations of God are the creations of all of his creations.  We travel amongst the stars in search of each other.  We find ourselves now and then, reaching out as brothers and sisters to each other.  Once in awhile we find that we cannot get along, but if we know that we are all together in this universe, we find a way to accept each other.  Acceptance is what traveling the universe is all about for me.  If there is such a thing as passion, as you call it, then mine is learning about new species and finding ways to communicate with them, as I do with you.  You may wonder about us from Sirius, but then wonder is the motivation behind all of this travelling around.  We welcome you to the universe, and we accept you for being part of God’s creation.

When Hallelusah Has Nothing To Say

This is Hallelusah's blog.  It is his to speak (figuratively) when he feels like it.  Apparently he did not wish to say anything yesterday.  He knows how to get my attention, and I believe that if he had wanted to, he would have been more persistent.  I trust that those whom he wishes to reach will be reached at the appropriate times.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Joining the Federation

Selamat Ja, Hallelusah.  Do you have anything to say to us today.

Hallelusah:  Yes, I do.  This wonderful day in your world cannot escape the Oneness that is coming together.  You, all of you, are connecting in new ways, even though you might seem otherwise.  The days of aloneness are fading into the past.  Your days of inclusion are dawning.  We are here from other parts of the galaxy to witness and help you with your transition. 
Know that to do it requires humans to participate.  We can only do a limited number of things which amount to assisting you, but it is such a significant event that we are here in great numbers.  We must not interfere with your collective will, and that is something that cannot be predicted with accuracy to satisfy your curiosity about the future.  Today marks yet another day in which you draw closer.  What glory in the heavens it will be when you realize that we are One throughout the entire universe.  Today marks a day in which all of mankind comes together as One and joins the Galactic Federation of Planets and Species.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Promises, promises.

Selamat Ja, Hallelusah.  What is today’s message.

Heretofore whenever you saw things in the sky that you didn’t recognize, you suspected that one of my space brothers was up to something.  To tell you the truth of it all, we were.  But now it is different.  We are here in greater numbers, and we are about to prove to you that we mean you no harm.

So does that mean that extraterrestrials, such as yourself, are about to be recognized as a presence here and throughout our universe?

That is exactly what I mean.
Well, I suppose that you are not surprised when I say that I am skeptical.  So many of us have hoped for such an occurrence, only to be disappointed time and again.

Just because things in the past of your perception were not what you had hoped, does not mean that to us the occurrences were planned to have a different effect.  This time I suspect that you will be pleased with the results.  Just wait and see.

Okay, I’m waiting.

In the meantime, keep listening to that still small voice in your head.  Much is being said that will take faith on your part to complete.  Keep the faith, so to speak.  We are here.  We are your brothers and sisters from far away.  We come to join with you in search of God, as you can now conceive.  Your perception will expand, and you will become more aware of the tremendous ability that you possess.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Stepping It Up a Notch

Hallelusah, last time you said that this is the time for those who are aware of telepathy to step it up a notch.  By that, did you mean doing it more often than they might otherwise do?

It is not necessary for them to just do their telepathy; they need to send their mental energy into the ether to assist with moving things forward.  And yes, it’s not difficult, just important.

For your regular message, I yield the podium to you.

Greetings to all.  Selamat Ja.  Today I wish to ask all of you who have waited patiently (as if we had any choice in the matter.  Perhaps WE did.) for us to arrive and show ourselves.  We have done this before, but not in the fashion that is about to take place.  Please be aware that this promise comes from years (your years) and eons of planning and anticipation.  We have watched you grow and mature.  It is time for your race to take its place in the Galactic Federation of Planets.  (Sounds Star Trekky, doesn’t it.  Yes, I know about Star Trek and all of your other science fictions, where people try to guess what we are like.)  So, go ahead and be skeptical.  I don’t blame you, because of the way you have evolved to think about things.  Nonetheless, I want to prepare you mentally.  You who foresee our coming will shine light on the pathway of understanding for others.

I’ve seen so much of this, it almost makes me nauseous.  What’s so different now?

I do not expect you to act differently.  I’m requesting that you keep an open mind and think positively about the world and the universe in spite of what you might see on your television set or read in the news.  Your thoughts are things, and they matter in the larger scheme of things.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

About Telepathy

This is a personal message about telepathy from my perspective.

Telepathy is something I think I experience, but I sure don’t know how to prove it.  I have chosen to believe the thoughts that come into my mind, but that is just for me.  I do not think that others should agree.  Each of us has a unique purpose in life, and what is important for one person might not be for another.

I call what I do “channeling,” because the entities I communicate with have a name.  I gather that many people might do the same thing, but do not give it a name.  I do what I do by taking my conscious mind out of gear and just writing (or typing) the words I am receiving, regardless of what they are.  I suppose that I edit what I receive to some extent, but I try not to.

 I consider telepathy to be the universal language.  Some use it to communicate with animals.  I use it (I think) to communicate with other-wordly beings, including my spirit guides.  Mediums use it to communicate with people who have died to their physical bodies and now exist in spirit.  You can specify which entity that you wish to speak to merely by stating a request or your intention, as in, “I wish to speak to …”  If some other spirit wishes to come through, I will usually hear their name repeated several times.

Unless you get used to telepathy, more comes into your mind telepathically than you might suspect.  Even the notion that telepathy is bogus might be a telepathic message to you.  I have come to accept that thoughts coming into my mind over and over are really mental jabs by an other-worldly being.

Hallelusah, do you have anything to add?

The time for action amongst those who rely on telepathy to give them wisdom has never been so evident as it is now. 

But isn’t it true that we don’t really have to “do” anything.  We just need to “be” what we are naturally.

Not just that for now.  This is a time for those who are aware of telepathy to step it up a notch and take more action than usual.  We need the force of thought to help in this transition, which you often refer to as The Shift.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Sirian Concept of God

Hallelusah, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions before I just cut you loose.  First, please describe, if you can, the Sirian concept of God.  Perhaps you’re like us in that I really should ask about your personal concept of God.  Second, please say something about predictions and how we should respond when something you predict doesn’t come true when you said it would.

God to me is much the same as it is with you.  It is All That Is.  I use “it”, because we typically don’t use a masculine term.  I apologize in advance for anything that I might predict that doesn’t happen just as I predict.  As with all things God created, there is a freedom of will.  Just because God deems something important enough to happen, doesn’t mean His creations cannot alter just how something comes about.  So there are going to be errors from time to time.  We, Sirians, do not mind these small inconveniences as you do, because we simply accept that predictions are not carved in stone.  I hope I have answered your questions.  You certainly may ask away any time you wish.  I will attempt to answer as best that I can.

Those are fine.  At least I felt some of the words.  I don’t know if their sense will come through to others.  Now, please proceed to say whatever it is that you want to say.

This predictive session of mankind in the works is all about how you and your kind come through a transition.  You sense that something is up, but you do not know what.  You are fine just sitting in your places, because the change is occurring mostly in your minds.  The sense of wonder as things unfold is just the tip of a gigantic iceberg.  You have unleashed the freedom of thought in many to the point where relationships are no longer going to be dictated by a few angry souls.  You now have a loving presence ingrained in your souls that is about to erupt into a flow of goodness throughout the universe.  We are merely here to help guide you where you haven’t been before.

What can you tell us about the revelation that extraterrestrials have been in our midst for some time?

That is part of the process.  You will become aware of others in your midst, and it will happen in a way as to bring you together in greater fashion than you have felt before.  You – all of you – will find that you are now aware of how you are One with each other.  Seeing yourselves as galactic beings, not just as earth beings, is going to transform the way you treat each other.  There has also been a shift – known as The Shift – that has allowed this all to occur.  We have known for some time that this would happen, and we are here because of it.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Selamat Ja

           Selamat Ja, Hallelusah.  Did I get that “Hello” right?

           You did.  Not too bad for a human, but of course you cannot pronounce it exactly, because your accent is so thick, being human and all, that it would be difficult for any human.
           You’re wondering if I have been up to something.  You’re wondering if the thoughts in your head and the recent events are related to an unveiling of the presence of ET’s in the human world in a way that no human could deny it.  The answer to both is, “Yes.”
           No, you weren’t imagining things.  We could discuss that for awhile, but let’s get down to business.
            First I want to acknowledge your reluctance to speak or think about prophetic things.  So I’m warning you that you must simply trust me here, because I’m going to be prophesying like crazy here.
           Once you learn that we have been here for some time, and I’m speaking of humankind, you will of course be both surprised and confident that what you have seen and heard is valid. 
           Secondly, I want to say to all of you that you are about to enter a time when all you have wondered about will be put to a real test.  You are going to have to question everything, because your perspective will have to change quite a bit. (Don’t you just love telepathy.  Neither of us has to worry about language, because telepathy is transmitted in feelings.  You will learn about that too.)
          Now on to the tasks at hand.  You will need to prepare yourself for first (not really first, but you know what I mean) contact by thinking about it.  This will allow you to come to the realization that your thinking has been too earthly for too long.  This is not what God had in mind, and this is not what you were designed to do.  You were designed to become (mature into) galactic beings.  Sure, you had to go through a growing period, and it served a purpose in your creativity, but this was not your end goal.  Your end goal is to create an environment where you will be challenged to see yourselves as earth brothers and sisters who are also linked both culturally and physically with beings from other planets and solar systems.  You will need to adjust to the fact that the things which you have come to assume about existence are just too limited.
          I also want to address to you the fact that the ones who will be making first contact with you are indeed members of a Galactic Federation.  They, and I, who are members of that team want to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you.  You have already met a couple of them.  I know you don’t remember their names, and I don’t remember them either.

 I think that I might have put words in your mouth that time, because I would have expected you to remember.  Salamat Ja to you both whom I can’t remember your names.  (I’ll try to look them up.)
          Hallelusah, do you wish for me to restart your blog?

         Yes, if you don’t mind.  It would be helpful to reach a number of other folks around the world.  Yes, notify Blossom Goodchild, so that she can send more readers our way.

          Not long ago, I was told that there would be a significant event regarding meeting others on my birthday, November 15.
         That is strictly for you.  The big reveal will occur sooner than that.  (There goes some of the prophecy.)  For now I will let you set things up, and I want for you to get back to me tomorrow for more instructions. 
         Selamat Ja to all on earth (earthlings).  We are coming to get you and to refocus your dimensions.

(Note:  From 8/12/11, the two other SaLuSan Sirians were named Joshima and Tokima.)

Things Are Heating Up. We're back.

It's July 1, 2013.  There has been much activity in the realm of earthly extraterrestrials lately.  I gather that they are preparing for a "Great Reveal" that will be undeniable.  Just to let you know, I have an aversion to predictions, because they give one the dilemma of wondering what or who to believe if they do not come true.  Some might be used to this and have adjusted.  I have not.  Anyway, I say "Selamat Ja", which is Sirian for "Hello."