Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Different Reactions

Hallelusah:  Just imagine that there are many, many people reading all of these prophecies about what is about to happen.  Imagine also that there will be just as many different reactions, from disbelief to “Wow!  I can’t wait.”  So this is what we are contending with as we go to the forefront of a wave of energy approaching your planet.  Some will be affected in different ways, as I have said.  (Please all of you readers.  These statements are my opinions.  They are not “Gospel”, a term you often use.)  So, once again I implore you to just stand by your conviction that all is well.  This indeed is what it is: well.
            I love wanting to share with you this event, which I know you greet with anticipation, no atter whether you believe it fully or not.
            I want to say something else to all of my readers, which are a select few.  Here is the namesake of God your creator.  Here is evidence that he exists.  Just as you exist, he/she exists.  The force that creates creation is all around us.  It permeates everything, including you.  So feel wonderful if you can.  Enjoy as much as you can.  Whisper to each other in your thoughts, “I am with you.  We are one together.  We share this time of life together.  We work together to bring about a new dimension in the life of the world.  It is wonderful, as we are wonderful.  You are my brothers and sisters.  I adore being a part of you.” 
            So it is this day.  Live in happiness.  I implore you to do this for all.

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