Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hallelusah:  This time of year brings many new emphases to the transition process.  You have been seeing changes in your earth – which, by the way, is indeed a living, breathing organism, as you would call it.  The ferocity is only scratching the surface of the strains that the earth is going through to right itself into balance.  So stand fast if you can and try not to be upset by what you read in the news.
            Another topic.  The star workers from other realms wish that you would stop portraying them as evil.  They understand that it is just part of your coming around, but I thought I’d express their feeling for this moment.
Me:  That sounds to me as if we are bugging their egos.  Have they not ridded themselves of that troublesome devil?
Hallelusah:  They have emotions.  They are more like you than you might know.  If you want to call that ego, I guess maybe they’re guilty of that.  They are not ascended masters yet.  Just like you,  they need to find themselves aware of who they really are; and that is an adjustment that needs to be made all over the universe.  Your transition both individually and as a species has led them to assist you, and they want you to sense their loving presence without fear.
Me:  Noted.

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