What I’d like to speak to you today about is all within your realm of understanding. This event I speak of is both time consuming and wonderful from your perspective. Many of you are hoping for a quick fix, but alas I cannot satisfy your desire for speediness. We on the other side of consciousness are planning our steps very carefully. We want to minimize our interference, letting mankind settle its affairs by themselves as much as possible. Thus is this a learning opportunity for all involved. Learning is the paramount consideration here. We will not let anyone destroy the earth, but we will tolerate some violence against one another in the name of learning. Remember, you cannot die, only learn. So with that said, please sit back and allow things to happen in their natural order. Patience can be tolerated when you know that eternity is a tool of yours. Please take this day for comfort and ease. Joyfully spend the hours doing what you enjoy. That is one of the best things you can do for yourselves.
Me: I have a question from a reader and friend.
"Was Gene Roddenberry, who created Star Trek, inspired by ET's? His ideas seem prophetic, both socially and technologically. For one instance, back then I noted the captain of the Enterprise reading (often Shakespeare) on a hand-held tablet, which looks just like the "new" e-readers of today. I'd love to hear which beings among you worked with him and how they reached him - pure inspiration and imagination or was he channeling somehow?"
Hallelusah: Well of course he was. He was too close to being on the mark to have been just browsing his mind for creative thoughts. Many things occur in your societies as the result of telepathic suggestion. You retain free will, but we simply give you suggestions. You know at a soul level things that are not apparent at a conscious level. Your answer is “Yes”.
As to which beings: those that I have referred to as “friendlies”. I’ll leave it to others to specify exactly which ones. I don’t believe that is really where you wish this answer to go.
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