Hallelusah is, as best I have been able to determine, a star person (ET) from the star system Sirius. In other words, he (I use that word purposely) is a Sirian. Back in 2006 I began "channeling", or talking telepathically, to one of my spirit guides. At first I was very anxious (full of anxiety) about it; but as time went along, I became more relaxed. I found that from time to time I could communicate with other entities. Not long ago I had the urge to talk to an extra-terrestrial if there were one who would talk to me. I tried with the notion "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I did get a response, and the entity said I could call him/it "Hallelusah", which is the combination of Hallelujah with another Sirian's name, SaLuSa. Beyond that, the name doesn't have much significance. The name is merely a sound pattern agreed upon by both parties. At first I was somewhat doubtful about what I was relaying (i.e., channeling), but after hearing some other more experienced ET communicators affirm what I was getting I became more confident. All of a sudden I find myself full of questions that seem to be placed in my head as if I'm the straight man.
I create this blog for those who have an interest in reading it. This blog is by no means the only outlet for this information. There are plenty of other portals for people. Who annointed me as a relayer of this stuff? Heck, I don't know. Being a believer in reincarnation, I suspect that I volunteered to do it before I was born. Please take what you read here for your own edification. I hope that you find it helpful. I think that word about what is happening on our planet and in our universe right now needs many avenues of communication.