Me: Good morning, Hallelusah. I want to begin by asking you a question.
“You mention the second and first dimensions. Can you describe for us what they are like?
Hallelusah: I’ll try, but realize that words and your experience make it difficult. Once there was just a single dimension on the earth plane. It was long before we even thought of doing anything with higher levels. You and I were both doing this thing together as co-creators. We were learning. One dimension has only a single function: survival. You wouldn’t recognize it now, because there are so many aspects of survival to you. Don’t think of dimensions in geometric terms, think of it in terms of how you go about life. In survival mode there is no thought about consciousness or awareness of it. When you move to the second dimension you enter a mode where you become conscious of yourself and every other thing about you. You still do not have much in common with the other beings in your midst, but you find that simply surviving is not as rewarding as helping each other survive.
Me: Hallelusah, I don’t know how familiar you are with Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy, but what you are describing sounds very much like it.
Hallelusah: I know you are familiar with it. That is why the thought is rolling around in your mind. I’m describing it for those who are not familiar with his theory.
Me: Now that I suppose you have answered the question, do you have anything you’d like to say?
Hallelusah: Just this: You may find as you traverse the runway of life that aircraft seem to be taking off and landing while you try to scurry across like a little animal. Don’t worry; they don’t have any ability to hit you if you don’t let them.
Me: That sounds like advice from a spirit guide.
Hallelusah: You will find as you evolve to higher realms that you will also come to know more about how the universe exists. You will become more familiar with laws of the universe. Therefore, what to you now is just theory will become second nature to you.
Me: Since this is your blog, I’ll take it on faith that you have a target. Good day for now, I will check in day after tomorrow or sooner if I hear you calling.