Me: Hallelusah, the podium and microphone are yours.
Hallelusah: Folks, I’m here to tell you that something is really about to happen. Many of you simply don’t fully believe it, but that’s why I’m here: to tell you that it’s true. Once upon a time I did not believe in aliens (or ET’s); but as time proceeded, I began to see that things were really happening. I’m talking about my many lives ago. Now I live a long time in your years, but that’s not what I’m talking about today. Leave that for the future. Right now I want you to know that something is really happening that you cannot see. How should you know that? First of all there have been many signs that we are here, but you have been convinced to doubt what you see and hear. Next you have been taught to be suspicious of things you cannot feel and touch. Most of you cannot see, feel or touch us. That is about to change. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you say. I know. I know. But third, here is an even bigger reason. The world has not been ready for this change. You are now ready. Okay so you can’t see feel or realize that either, but maybe if enough people tell you that December 21, 2012 means something, you might start to think that there might be something to it. All I can do now is raise your level of awareness. There are many of my brethren who are doing the same thing – speaking through human psychics and channels.
Now on to a second topic, and I’ll be brief. There is about to occur another world disaster. Now please, please, please, don’t go running off and being fearful. What I would much rather you do is be peaceful and happy. You simply cannot recognize the importance of your own happiness in all of this. I tell you about the disaster to help you to believe. Second to have you wish all well to the planet as a means of counteracting the negative forces that are helping to bring about this shift of the earth. Please, I say again, do not take this as reason to be fearful. Look upon this disaster as a wonderful confirmation of great things to come. You will never die, and you will come to know that. You are holy and blessed as your Creator made you to be. So, hop to it folks. Get ready to dance. That is all for today.
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