Monday, September 16, 2013

No Great Shakes

(Dear Readers, while this message seems to me to be no great shakes, it did facilitate my learning that Hallelusah is also learning how to communicate telepathically.  He too sometimes asks for help outside of our conversations.)

Hey, Hallelusah, what’s up?

Without going into too much detail, I want to alert all my readers that this is notice that something good is about to happen.

Have we heard that before, or what?

I suppose it seems that I am cultivating skeptics, doesn’t it?

Frankly, yes.

Well, here’s hoping that you will keep level heads about you while you listen to yet another prediction from some entity being channeled.  (Hello, Dick, how are you doing?)
     The other evening when you were away I started talking to another human on the other side of the world.

Do they call you Hallelusah, too?

No, they don’t.  Anyway, as I was saying the world has shifted once again in a positive direction, and that will lead to yet another shift in ascension.

What do you mean when you say ascension?

I mean a higher level of consciousness from which you can see farther into the universe than you could before.

Is this the prediction about something good that will happen?


So is that all you have to say about it?

I’m not going to let loose of you that quickly this day.  For you who have been skeptical, I salute your patience.  You listen even though it is causing you troubles to do so.  I have been in contact with others in the Galactic Federation, and they tell me that they are pleased with the progress that you all are making.  Today, rejoice that all is really quite well.  Be happy in your daily grind for the mice in the cupboard are rattling the food for you to come and eat. 

Where did you get that analogy?

I just thought it up.  Do you like it?

So today’s news is nothing earth shattering?

Yes it is earth shattering.  You just can’t see it.

There’s a great deal that I don’t see.  I don’t even know that I’m hearing you correctly.  What proof is there?

Just wait.  You will see.

So now I start tapping my foot.  One, two, three…on my way to one million.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Beauty of No Water

NOTE:  I am a Unitarian Universalist.  Every year we celebrate a Water Communion Service.  That prompted this question.

Hallelusah, is there any water on the planet that we come from?

 No, Dick, there is not.  Water would boil over quickly on our planet, because it is so close to the star, Sirius, and the star is so large compared to your sun.  So let me tell you about the planet where we live.
            First, I must say that the beauty that you feel about your planet is the same for how I feel about our planet, even though it is much different.  The colors, as you would say, are brilliant.  We do not sense in the same manner as you humans do.  All is so different.  I have no way to describe it to you in terms that your human existence could understand.  Just believe me that to our feelings, it has a beauty like no other.  Secondly, people are so much different.  We don’t call each other people, but it is the same sort of thing.  We feel each other’s presence and existence.  We share each other’s existence, so that there is not the feeling of angst that you experience.  We do however recall that eons ago, in our time, there were times when we felt alone in the universe.  Then we learned how to make our way about.  It gave us a new appreciation for each other.  I’m sorry that I sound so effervescent, but I just feel strongly about this.  Next, we do have other life forms on our planet, but again they are not like your plants and animals.  They are part of the earth and planet too, and we share in their existence as well.
            You have so much to learn.  I believe with all my “oog-ma” that you will be as amazed as we are when you come to know that there is so much more in the universe of God’s creation than you currently know.  I’m sure that the other species of out-liers or other-worlders feel the same or similarly about their home planets.  There is so much diversity and such a collection of different forms of beauty.  What awaits all of you is worth the wait.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Take On Syrian Conflict -- As If There Aren't Enough Opinions Floating Around Already

Hallelusah, what is your take on the conflict in Syria?

I have no real opinion other than to see it as a means by which humankind can see itself.  It is a reflection of your inability to come to grips with the reality of your Oneness, not only with each other, but the universe as a whole.  You see, the people on one side take themselves to be right, and their opponents see just the opposite.  We see only one people or species disagreeing with itself.  So we pray for the peaceful resolution of any conflict, because all conflicts that we see are perspectives out of real focus.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Seeing the Universe

Hallelusah, here it is at the end of the month.  Is there anything you wish to say?

Whenever you feel that all is lost, you wonder whether what you believe is really so or not.  I am here to tell you that what mankind is doing in its world is a no joke proposition.  Today, more humans than ever are feeling a new sense of Oneness.  This is partially due to your own thinking as a species, but it also was a foregone conclusion that you would reach this point.  Today you see with your own eyes the changes that are occurring in your own sphere of contacts.  That is not a coincidence.  Sure, there are those who still struggle with what the world has to offer, but they have you to thank for your positive outlook that spreads throughout the galaxy and beyond.  This is true reality.  You see it.  You feel it.  Please hold fast to your conclusions and visualize this same thing happening to others who appear to suffer from the bonds of old thinking.

I must say that what you say could come from a higher being.

I am but a single thought in all of the universe.  I have progressed farther than you so that I can see more than you do, but I am still viewing from the perspective of a single entity.  A truly higher being would see with the eyes of everything.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm cold!

Hallelusah, I feel that I’ve been neglecting you, but I have an overriding belief that all is as it should be.

This wintery weather has me bundled up.  Yes, I’m in your southern hemisphere.  Yes, I do get cold.

 Are you warm-blooded, or the equivalent.

Actually, I’m not, but I get cold nevertheless.  Today I’m working with some other aliens who do not come from my Sirian background.  You will learn that to appreciate diversity is more than you had ever imagined  -- or maybe not.  So you have a great deal to digest once we become known to you. “Whenever that is,” you think.  I know.  I can read some things.  Today you will enhance your understanding if you just let us do our thing down here.  I’ll try to stay warm, and you’ll try to stay cool and dry.

 I’ll take my level of comfort over yours.

 Oh, thank you, thank you.  B-r-r-r-r-r!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hold Fast

I have nothing more to say except this small thing: you and your brethren and sisters on earth have come a long, long way.  Do not fail to see the glory of it all and your glasses spewing over.  This is something that many do not feel.  You who do will need to hold tightly to that which you find admirable about humanity.  Hold fast, I say again.  You are working with us as you do so.  We have much left to do.  Hold fast, I plead with all of you.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Love That Feeling

Hallelusah, I’m curious about the fact that you have been contacting me (I think) to post messages on your blog so infrequently.  Please tell us just what you’d like for us to know.

I’m just preparing you for our arrival.  You will be quite surprised by the event that happens, but if you’re mentally prepared then whatever happens will not be so surprising or frightening.

 So you’ve answered that question.  Is there anything else that you’d like to pass along today?

It’s a feeling.  There is just so much love to go around that it’s difficult to say in a way that you feel it completely.  You in particular seem to have an aversion to the word “love”, but it is the proper term in the English language.  This love permeates the universe in the form of All That Is.  Tonight when you look to the heavens, just imagine a feeling that reaches beyond anything you can see.  This feeling is an energy that actually has form in a sense.  To your way of thinking, it is a force that moves things.  Know that such a force exists, and that no one can escape it, no matter what they think of it.